Diswcise Active Learning for LiDAR Semantic Segmentation

Diswcise Active Learning for LiDAR Semantic Segmentation

Ozan Unal 1   Dengxin Dai2   Ali Tamer Unal3   Luc Van Gool1,4,5
1ETH Zurich   2Huawei Technologies   3Boğaziçi University 4KU Leuven 5INSAIT
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2023
Best Paper Award - Honorable Mention


While LiDAR data acquisition is easy, labeling for semantic segmentation remains highly time consuming and must therefore be done selectively. Active learning (AL) provides a solution that can iteratively and intelligently label a dataset while retaining high performance and a low budget. In this work we explore AL for LiDAR semantic segmentation. As a human expert is a component of the pipeline, a practical framework must consider common labeling techniques such as sequential labeling that drastically improve annotation times. We therefore propose a discwise approach (DiAL), where in each iteration, we query the region a single frame covers on global coordinates, labeling all frames simultaneously. We then tackle the two major challenges that emerge with discwise AL. Firstly we devise a new acquisition function that takes 3D point density changes into consideration which arise due to location changes or ego-vehicle motion. Next we solve a mixed-integer linear program that provides a general solution to the selection of multiple frames while taking into consideration the possibilities of disc intersections. Finally we propose a semi-supervised learning approach to utilize all frames within our dataset and improve performance.



DiAL Poster

DiAL was presented at ICRA 2024.


            title={Discwise active learning for lidar semantic segmentation},
            author={Unal, Ozan and Dai, Dengxin and Unal, Ali Tamer and Van Gool, Luc},
            journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},